Our History
Our story started on the virtual social media platform, Facebook. A small number of women gathered in a closed private group to discuss their gender identities, sexualities, sexual health, and rights.
Note that I will be using the term “women” in reference to all women, from diverse sexual and gender identities and orientations.
When I created this group, I did not anticipate the journey we had started on! My initial aim was to create a space for women to freely express themselves, ask questions without being shamed, and receive trustworthy, accurate, and respectful answers to their questions.
A space where women’s experiences, needs, and feelings are centered and most importantly, a space where all women, with all their colorful diversity, could exist, peacefully and freely.
But I would not have imagined that, in five years’ time, our small community group would become a pioneering, leading organisation, led by Arab women from all over the world, offering feminist, queer, positive, and inclusive knowledge and services in Arabic.
Fatma Ibrahim
A Digital Safe Space For All Women
Where is the introduction post?
“Last night I tried commenting and answering some questions in a FB group that I’m part of. Women were asking about their bodies and sexualities … so I tried to rectify and deconstruct some of the terms they used, which were demeaning! The terms they used were enabling gendered violence towards ourselves and our bodies … but then I heard about this other new group called The Sex Talk Arabic … I was thrilled, over the moon! finally a space where we can talk about sexuality with positivity!
“Fatma, how can I help?”
Is it normal to buy a condom?
Is it normal to have a smell after period?
“Why is it that feminist spaces here are often exclusionary of transwomen?! I keep wondering when would these spaces be inclusive of trans women so that I can express myself and my gender identity freely without feeling like I’m starting a war every time I speak. When will people understand that transwomen are women and they have the right to self-expression without being bullied or harassed or accused of being “men” invading women’s spaces? I’m fed up with these “feminist” groups”… I am tired now, I will sleep, and tomorrow I will check this new group called The Sex Talk Arabic, maybe it is the one!”
Creating A Visual Identity (2018- 2023)
How We Look In 2023
Expanding our reach & fighting biased technologies (2018- 2023)
“I was extremely happy when I joined The Sex Talk Arabic group. The amount of knowledge shared, and the enriching discussions that took place throughout it were just brilliant… Sometimes I indulge in the debates and other times I just follow the discussions silently, until one day I found Fatma asking if anyone can help as Facebook removed the newly created public page. I offered to contact Facebook on her behalf and succeeded in retrieving the page, since then, I became an active member of the team.”
other social media platforms and
our community continues to grow..."
” I can help create our own independent website to facilitate all our work, with our own rules and without censorship”